The SoulFUEL®

Client Attraction
Coaching &
Community Experience
with Wendy Collier,
Creator of SoulFUEL

Grow your business with authenticity and SoulFUEL® 
and attract more soulmate clients without sacrificing what is most important to you or spending your life on social media.

Explore Investment Options & Limited Time Savings

Welcome to doing business with SoulFUEL®!

Within every woman lives the desire, the need, and the capability to be FULLY expressed and alive!

SoulFUEL IS just that and more.

It is your Spiritual Calling, Purpose, Divine Assignment... and the Essence of who you ARE - on the deepest, juiciest levels.

Once you REMEMBER and RECLAIM yourself and then launch, grow, scale or pivot your business applying the SoulFUEL Framework, nothing can stop you.

It is THE missing piece from all other bland business programs out there that can make you feel inauthentic and unexpressed in some way, lacking the feminine magic so needed to sustain you on your journey.

And alas, we still need some beautiful masculine structure, planning and consistency to make it all work and so here, in this space we perfectly harmonize the masculine and feminine energetics of business to help you REALLY take off so you never have to wonder again where your next client is coming from and can sleep at night knowing you are FULLY supported by the work you are meant to do.


90-Day Client Results

Actual clients share their experience attracting soulmate clients in just 90 days.


If you... 

  • Are unclear how to attract your clients and customers consistently especially in this new world where what has worked before may not be working as well anymore and you ask yourself "Where are my clients!?" (Psst, I know exactly where they are and teach exactly ZERO social media tactics!)

  • Feel the need to pivot to align more to who are today or add a new online income stream without spending your life on social media.

  • Want to create new, exciting offers that are more aligned to who you are and the people you want to work with.

  • Are unsure how to build out your business ideas in a concrete, effective way - unclear about what that looks like exactly.

  • CRAVE freedom and flexibility with your schedule to do the things that are most important to you and you know that working online (or more online) is becoming an increasingly smarter thing to do.

  • Are committed to designing your business in a way that honors your calling, core values, personal life needs/desires, and makes you plenty of money. Deep down, you know it's possible once you find YOUR path.

  • Feel like you’ve settled and want more than that for yourself and your family.

  • Have tried to make a business work before and it's been a struggle but you know you are meant to be your own boss, and aren't ready to give up.

I've got you!

I am a former corporate hostage - now free, massively fulfilled entrepreneur living my SoulFUEL® every single day for 11+ years with revenue growth each year, and I am so glad you are here!

I know we are kindred spirits. You have a huge heart that is ready to help heal the world and make a difference, in a way only you can.


You are always at choice and because you are on this page,
I believe you've been guided here to take a step unlike any you've ever taken before. This step can help you reach places you've never before but know deep in your heart, 
are meant for you.


This is time for you to invest in your growth to learn how to get out of the never-ending rat-race trying to keep up on social media or trying things over and over that just aren't working to bring in a consistent flow of soulmate client.

This is a chance for you to be in a VERY different place this time next year.

You get to reCLAIM YOU, make a change in your life, and a difference in the world.


Imagine not only knowing exactly what you are here to do but actually DOING it. How amazing will it be when you wake up every morning with excitement to start your day working with clients, being unapologetically yourself and bringing your BEST to them. 


How incredible will it be when you are making a gorgeous living by showing up each day aligned to your True Purpose (SoulFUEL®). This isn't BS my friend, it is 100% possible and right in front of you right NOW. 


But Wendy, yes I want all these things but I am confused about the details and HOW I get there! 


I get it. Believe me. We're talking YEARS of struggle until
I discovered the Essentials I was missing.


That’s why I created a proven formula that includes these essentials to help YOU get clear, focused and on the right track to attract your clients and customers so this literally, is never a question again.

We focus on 4 Pillars that create a SOLID foundation for your business no matter what niche, specialty or industry you are in, or transition to later.

These include: 

- The SoulFUEL Framework
- Marketing Essentials (that are HIGHLY relevant today and
do NOT rely on social media)
- Feminine Sales and Enrollment
- Consistent Planning and Execution

Let me show you HOW. Let me show you a way to attract your clients WITHOUT relying on social media, forcing you to learn technology or become someone
you aren't.

Imagine feeling the security of knowing there IS a way for you to make money doing what you love – a way that allows you to live FREE and LIT UP with total control over your schedule, income and the locations you work from.


Imagine feeling clear and confident you are on the right path – doing work that IS your SoulFUEL®, providing you with a constant supply of FUEL, FOCUS, confidence, clarity, motivation, and DEEP fulfillment.


Imagine knowing your SoulFUEL® with absolute certainty, making the difference you are here to make and feeling the BLISS every morning when you wake up and every night when you go to sleep...

... and having peace in your heart knowing you can make money on your own, without an employer, who is calling all the shots or wondering where your business revenue is coming from.


This is not only 100% possible but is available to you right now

The SoulFUEL Accelerator Client Attraction Blueprint includes the 4 Essentials you need. If you only focus on these, you can create a gorgeous living doing what you are meant to do.


This is a time-tested formula that allowed me to go from miserable corporate hostage to now, blissed-out entrepreneur working from all over the world making multiple six figures each year, doing the work I was born to do, with clients I adore.


And in the last 11+ years, it has profoundly changed the lives of my clients too - ranging from women with zero experience, zero clients and zero clarity who have built 5, 6, and multiple-6 figure businesses doing what they LOVE all the way to seasoned entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses and grow their online income stream(s).

Business Building Trainings to help you start, scale, grow or pivot your business. Begin wherever you are right now and work through each one as you progress so you are always getting what you need for where YOU are, at any given time. Get ongoing Personalized Coaching during Live Coaching Calls.

Learn Online Marketing Strategies That Consistently Attract Ideal Clients/Customers Without The Struggle & Time Drain of Social Media

Develop your marketing skills so you can attract the right people for what you do. Learn incredibly effective (and fun!) strategies to attract an audience full of soulmate clients when you don't have tons of money to spend and are a relative "unknown" online... AND learn how to craft offers your audience actually wants without spending your life on social media!

Get Crystal Clear On Exactly What You Are Meant To Do Including Niche/Specialty/Client (Starting or Pivoting)

WHY you are here (your purpose > SoulFUEL®)
WHO you are here for (ideal client/customer)
WHAT you can do for them; Get clear about what you can offer that will attract clients ready to invest. Learn how to monetize your existing skills, talents, passions and experiences - without ANY certifications and claim OR pivot your niche and specialty with confidence.

Create Or Uplevel Your Program, Course Or Offer - Experiment With Your Ideas, Without Pressure

Trial run or optimize your program, develop your work and confidence, receive testimonials to attract more clients – growing your credibility and expertise. Become a Rockstar Business Babe and put the most effective systems and process into place to stay organized, and receive a steady flow of clients year-after-year creating recurring revenue. 


Create Signature Programs, Services & Offers That Your Client Actually Wants To Buy

Create programs, packages, offers, services and pricing using the SoulFUEL® Method. Focus only on your genius- the areas of your business that light you up and fuel you THE most, without needing any additional certifications. If you sell products, learn how to use the products you sell to enhance your services. and offers. 

Master The Essentials Of Effective Messaging That Connects & Compels Your Clients/Customers

Learn how to stand out and position your work to be extremely attractive to your ideal clients. Discover the magical quality of speaking in the language your client needs to hear to "get it". 
Get specific direction and coaching on how to write compelling (and high integrity) marketing copy

Learn The Quickest, MOST Effective Way To Grow Your Audience Full Of Clients Who Are Ready To Buy What You Have Right Now

Receive step-by-step training on how to build your audience and apply marketing strategies that feel (and are) authentic so you can grow a secure, sustainable business without relying on social media.

Confidently Enroll Clients/Customers/Team, Without Feeling Sleazy or Pushy

Discover exactly how to confidently enroll/invite people into your programs and offers without feeling pushy or using tactics that don't feel good. In the process, heal your relationship with money and upgrade your mindset so you can shift from fear, scarcity and lack, to abundance, JOY and overflow. 

Breakthrough Self Sabotage, Lone-Wolfing, Procrastination & Mindset Blocks With Personalized VIP Level Coaching & Community Support

Receive consistent marketing, mindset and intuitive business coaching, accountability and community support to stay on track so you don’t give up. Learn how to create 90-Day Plans and implement so you can hit your gorgeous goals!

Scale To The Next Level

Leadership, Dream Team Management, Scaling, Growth Plans, Strategy, Optimization and more.

Soulmate Client Attraction Training Additional Details

All taught and coached through the SoulFUEL® Framework

Design or Re-Design Your Programs


  • Market Research
  • Launch Pilot and/or Beta Programs To Experiment With Your Ideas & Get Valuable Feedback From Actual Clients
  • Structure and Organize Your Program In A Way That Is Life Giving For You AND Sets Your Clients Up For Success

Get Organized and Free


  • Putting Systems, Process and Delegation In Place From The Start
  • Content, Launch, Promo Planning & Scheduling
  • How To Hire Your Dream Team Of Freelancers (even when starting with just one)

Messaging Mastery


  • Messaging Bootcamp
  • Next Level Messaging
  • Effective Email Subject Titles 
  • Branding Basics
  • What Your Potential Clients Need To Hear & What They Don't


RocketFuel Launch!


  • 90-120 Day Strategy To Fill Your Private and/or Group Programs With Soulmate Clients
    (Step-By-Step Training Includes Templates, Copy, Scripts)
  • Lead Magnet (Free Gift) With Nurture Sequence

Post-Launch Strategies


  • Lead a 3-Part Video Series That Fills Your Programs With New Clients (Step-By-Step Training)
  • Direct Email Marketing Nurture

Feminine Sales


  • Learn The Feminine ILOVE Conversation Framework
  • Gracefully Navigate The Uncomfortable Moments In Sales
  • Discover The Art of The ILOVE
  • Get Over The Fear & Discomfort Of Sales
  • Great Ways To Make Money Now (Even Without An Email List)
  • Create A High Converting Free Call Title / Bullets 
  • Sales Tracker

Content & Consistency Queen


  • Content Planning & Idea Generator
  • Editorial Calendar For Planning & Organization

Podcasting For The Rising Leader


  • Guest Podcasting
  • Launching Your Podcast On A Budget: Easy Step-By-Step Training

 Success Strategies

  • Productivity, Planning, Focus, Time Management
  • 90-Day Planning & Implementation

What else do I get inside The SoulFUEL Accelerator in terms of hands-on coaching and support?

  • SoulFUEL® Business, Marketing, Sales, Mindset and SoulFUEL® Coaching delivered personally by Wendy Collier to you, 
    for 12 months.

  • (2) Hot Seat Coaching & Q&A Calls per month (24 total) with Wendy (1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month). This includes Q&A for whatever SoulFUEL Accelerator Client Attraction trainings you are applying to your business or other business ideas you'd like coaching on. Get personalized laser coaching in an intimate, confidential, supportive group setting.

  • BONUS Kick Off Call with Personalized One Year Ascension Plan so you know exactly what to focus on and what to ignore for the stage of business you are in. This helps you focus and stay out of overwhelm.

  • (6) Marketing Copy Coaching Calls (total) to get Wendy's experienced eyes on your copy so you can learn the very best way to attract your soulmate clients, and in a way that feels authentic to you and retains YOUR voice. 
    (One every other month)

  • At least one Virtual Retreat as a community (including Business Growth Plan)

  • 7-Day Quarterly Challenges on things like; Messaging, Sales, Planning, Visibility, Bravery, Cash Flow, Manifesting, and more - a deep focus on a specific area in your business with fun PRIZES you can win.

  • Monthly SoulFUEL Discovery Group Coaching & Q&A Call on the second Wednesday of every month

  • Optional Accountability Buddy


  • Exclusive Private Community Space for; daily support, sharing, celebrations, loving sisterhood, and kindred spirit connection

  • Exclusive Member Portal with business building resources, checklists, templates, guided meditations, detailed launch plans, timelines, and trainings.

  • Fun surprises :)

  • Free attendance to any paid-for trainings offered by Wendy during your year that are offered to the public for $300 or less

  • LIFETIME access when you download the video recordings, call replays and PDF/Word files.

Meet Madeline: From Drained & Broke Psychotherapist To LIT UP Multiple 6-Figure CEO Who Travels The World


“When I first came to Wendy, I had no clarity on my business niche or specialty. I did not know about funnels, client attraction or sales — basically everything! I also had big time mindset issues I didn’t even know I had!

In working with Wendy, I claimed my niche and learned how to market it in a way that speaks directly to client needs. I also made HUGE strides in my mindset and energy. I did market research, ran a pilot program, enrolled clients, and launched my first online marketing strategy to build my audience.

I appreciate the balance Wendy makes between tangible business strategy and energy and mindset work. I considered myself a spiritual person before the program, and was somewhat familiar with the law of attraction, but this program really strengthened my spiritual belief system and helped me understand the importance of aligning your energy in order to have the outer results. I particularly love all the SoulFUEL® playbooks and resources that Wendy delivers.

Also, the retreat really helped me get clear on my niche and served as a great bonding experience with everyone in the group!”

– Madeline Charles

*Madeline quit her job and had a $175,000 cash year in 2020, making $54,000 in the first quarter of 2020 alone with her highest cash month of $40,000 in December 2020 - all during very challenging times in the world.

In 2021, Madeline surpassed $200,000 and in 2022, she generated ~$275,000 in sales. She follows all the principles in The SoulFUEL Accelerator to reach her goals.

A Few More Words From Madeline


Meet Shelby: From Confused Consultant To Clear, Confident & Equipped To Attract More Clients & Scale Her Business

“My experience was so amazing.

I built strong relationships with other members within Wendy’s community and learned so many tools about fine-tuning my business and gaining more confidence in my services and packages. I learned how to grow my client lists and market my business in a meaningful way to me and my potential clients.

The coaching sessions and robust tools provided were amazing!

Wendy has such an authentic way of connecting and supporting those she works with and I will continue to work with her as my business continues to grow and evolve!”

- Shelby Swartz

Meet Phoebe: From Stuck & Unclear To On Fire & Booking New Clients!

"I felt stuck. Also with my messaging with a new pivot in my business. I’ve had HUGE shifts! I got clearer about who and HOW to approach my business. I also launched a new program, booked 8 new clients, got clearer on my 90 Day Plans and now I am taking action and seeing results from this clarity that I had no idea was possible.

The live calls are also great!

I absolutely love the support of this program and all Wendy has given me! Between the live calls that always gets my wheels turning on how to uplevel how I serve the world to the endless hours of content available that helps execute each step with success, it’s all truly a gift!”

- Phoebe Leona

You may be thinking you aren't clear enough about your business or the direction you want to go, to invest in something like this. Or maybe money is tight. I get it and that is exactly why...

I am including, FOR FREE, my Signature Clarity Course (SoulFUEL® Discovery) as your first Bonus. This is a PROVEN process that gives you SO much clarity about exactly what you are meant to do (or do NEXT), you'll be dancing in the streets!

In fact, you get immediate access to the following 4 FREE Bonuses to help your RIGHT AWAY, with Clarity, Cash Flow and Client Attraction.

Bonus #1: 
Immediate Access To SoulFUEL® Discovery, To Get Clear On Your SoulFUEL®, What Exactly You Are Meant To Do (or Do Next!) & Who For
(Value: $2,000)

Immediate access to this transformational experience (videos and playbooks) to help you get crystal clear on your; SoulFUEL®, niche, ideal client, specialty, monetizable passions + skills, business ideas, offers and services whether you are starting, scaling or pivoting your business.

You can hop on the Monthly Live Coaching Calls to get personalized coaching and ALL your questions answered. Wendy will keep working with you until you are 100% clear. It can happen MUCH faster than you may think (often it takes just one call).



Bonus #2:
Immediate Access To
"Cash Flow Now" Trainings 
(Value: $1,000)

Immediate access to this step-by-step training that helps you generate cash flow ideas to bring in money now. Discover how you can uncover money generating opportunities in front of you right now, that you may be overlooking. If you are in need of a cash injection at any time, you'll want to watch these! Come into a live coaching call to get coaching on how to apply these principles to exactly what you are doing.


Bonus #3:
Immediate Access To Enrollment/Sales Training - Confidently Enroll Clients/Customers/Team, Without Feeling Remotely Sleazy or Pushy.
(Value: $1,000)

Pre-Recorded Video Training, Q&A Coaching Call With Clients + Step-By-Step Playbook

Immediate access to this step-by-step training to enroll clients or customers using Wendys love-based, service-oriented approach. This bonus alone could MORE than pay your entire investment in Client Attraction Academy. Apply it consistently and there's no counting what your financial return-on-investment could be. 

You also get ongoing live coaching on sales/enrollment in SoulFUEL Accelerator. This training gives you an immediate head start! 

“When I first spoke with Wendy, I needed clarity in my work. Her program really connected me to my foundation and exposed what I’m meant for. I also increased my pricing, honed my program, got better at sales calls, and developed my marketing strategy!”
– Veronica Kirin


Bonus #4:
Immediate Access To Messaging Bootcamp Training - Master The Essentials Of Effective Messaging That Connects & Compels Your Clients/Customers.
(Value: $1,000)

Pre-Recorded Video Training + Step-By-Step Playbook

Having a hard time confidently articulating what you do? How you say and write about what you do is everything when it comes to moving people from inspired or interested, to actually buying from you. You will learn the essentials of effective, authentic marketing copy, in this high impact training.

You also get a LOT more Messaging training from Wendy's Hot Seat Coaching, Q&A's and Live Marketing Copy Coaching Calls, to see exactly how you too can apply the principles to your niche. This just gives you an immediate head start! 

"You NAILED how to market my passion in 10 seconds flat." - Marcie Viezzoli


Combined Bonus Value is $5,000 
(but NO cost to you)

From Unfulfilled Corporate Employee To Happy CEO

“When I started working with Wendy,
I didn’t have a plan how to build the foundation of my business. Wendy provided a lot of help none of my coaches did before. She helped me have more confidence in me and my services and discover exactly what I should be doing that also monetizes.

I discovered my SoulFUEL®, built my email list, grew my professional network, learned how to create an opt-in page that converts, generated $11,311 in online revenue in just 3 months, set up systems and process in my business, increased my confidence of what is possible for my life, learned how to have enrollment/sales conversations, overcame fear and doubt, enrolled new clients, released big emotional/mental/spiritual blocks, claimed my niche and/or specialty and learned how to create messaging that attracts clients.

Learning not to Lone Wolf it, has been huge for me along with the energy I bring to my business and my clients."

- Anke Menzler

Meet Lisa: From Tired-Out Teacher To Doing Exactly What She's Meant To Do

"When I signed up I wasn’t comfortable even telling people I was planning on starting a business. Since then I created my business, website, email list, enrolled clients, got my business license and insurance and set up a system for working with clients. It’s hard to believe that I did that in just six months! And now I tell everybody that I own a business!" 

- Lisa DeMarco 

From Unfulfilled Corporate Employee To Happy CEO

"When I first reached out to Wendy, I was struggling with how to escape from my corporate job, along with what I wanted to do once I got out.

She helped me to discover the strength and confidence that I had within me to break out of the corporate cycle and to define my own present and future.

I generated over $17,000 of revenue from my very first online event and 
built my email list to nearly 850 people.

I had SO many breakthrough moments including how to deal with self-doubt, how to recognize the employee mindset and stop that pattern of thinking, and I learned the power of flow and how to manifest what I want to happen.

It was wonderful to have someone like Wendy who understood what it was like to leave a safe corporate job and why it is so much better outside of those confines!

My biggest fear was that I wouldn't be good enough. Wendy helped me to realize that was just fear and resistance, and she showed me how to unlock my potential in order to share my gifts with the world.” - Liz Carter

Meet Liz


The SoulFUEL Accelerator Is Right For You If:

  • You have a product, service, program or offer or an idea for one that you’d like to offer online (or already do) so you can grow your business, reach more soulmate clients and make a more meaningful impact, without relying on social media and playing the never-ending gamble of the algorithm game.

  • You are an optimistic woman with a sense of purpose who wants to make a difference and make bolder, braver moves in your business.

  • You are tired of guessing what the next right move in your business is. You want seasoned advice from someone who actually cares so you can see better results instead of wasting time doing things that aren't bringing in enough clients.

  • You don’t want to waste any more money on programs, courses or coaches who don't actually help you personally. 

  • You know that the right coaching will help you see the blind spots you can’t see on your own and you want to UPLEVEL your mindset. (You don't know what you don't know.)

  • You know that being in community with the right people will make a HUGE difference in your success! (We go MUCH further together.)

  • You want to grow spiritually, mentally and emotionally so you can unleash your SoulFUEL®, live your full potential and make money doing what you LOVE.


You are at a cross roads. You can keep things as they are or take a chance and try something
that's been proven to work,
when people do the work.

This is high level coaching at a
mid-level investment.

You may never feel entirely ready for this Love Bug but I do know - you deserve it and if something hasn't been working quite right with how you've been approaching things, this may be the sign you need to try something different.

I truly believe if you are on this page,
now is your time and my hand is out,
ready to take yours. 

$400 Off Per Month For A Limited Time (Tax Deductible)

$897/month for 12 months

 *Next Step after we receive your application is a 1x1 Zoom call with Wendy to ensure SFA is the perfect fit for you.




Save an ADDITIONAL $800 When You Invest In One Installment (Tax Deductible)

 *Next Step after we receive your application is a 1x1 Zoom call with Wendy to ensure SFA is the perfect fit for you.


Meet Slavomira: From A Confusing Niche & Undercharging To Clear On Her Specialty & Creating Much More Money Flow!

"I was struggling with my business and not making any money. I also wasn´t clear about my niche and offer. I got clarity about my niche, my messaging, and upgraded my business model from trying to sell cheap online courses to 1:1 high ticket coaching.

I also changed my brand and now everyone can understand the result I am offering. Additionally, I upleveled my money mindset. What I once charged for my entire 12 month program, I now charge for just one hour of working with me privately.

I learned to see the whole picture of a business model that works. I also had step-by-step guidance in the modules on how to reach that goal. I had the opportunity to ask questions on coaching calls and even 1:1.

I also loved having a community of like-minded women and an Accountability Buddy. This was a really great experience for me!”

- Slavomira Harcegova

Meet Stacey: From Burnt Out Busy Working Single Mom To Thriving, Confident Business Owner

“When I first reached out to Wendy, I had many general ideas for the business but nothing concrete. I had a few clients that were referrals from friends but no idea how to get my message out to a larger audience. I felt overwhelmed.

With Wendy’s guidance and training, I was able to build my email list from 30 to 1500 and attracted new clients that committed to long term coaching programs with me.

I enrolled 4 new private clients in just 3 months and increased my income by 8 TIMES, while still maintaining a full-time job and being a Mom to two kids.

The biggest breakthrough I had working with Wendy was finally seeing the value of myself, my services and knowing that my work is changing the lives of my clients.

My confidence skyrocketed and I felt like a legitimate, valuable member of my business niche. I’ve changed my mindset and the private time with Wendy whether at a retreat, a VIP day or during private calls, was wonderful. I got so much value from her wisdom and experience.

Wendy helped me to see the value of my individual strengths and instilled a confidence that I don’t think I could have developed without her coaching.

Wendy is warm, easy to relate to and will help you to get the results you are seeking in your business if you stick with her and follow her guidance.

I feel very blessed to have worked with her to build my business and I would say to anyone on the fence about making a decision, “Just go for it! You and your life will be forever changed.
Love you Wendy! Thank you for everything you do.”

– Stacey Tamagni

Meet Veronika: From Drained, Unfulfilled Corporate Employee & Single Mother Of Three, To Thriving CEO Growing Her Business To 6-Figures Her Very First Year


“I would like to take a moment to say how grateful I am for Wendy’s coaching. I was miserable working a corporate job and dreamt about having a meaningful career where I was actually helping people. I wanted to leave my job and work with people to facilitate their healing but had no idea how I was going to do that. I did NOT have a particular skillset, modality or product I wanted to scale up.

With Wendy’s guidance, I was able to identify my niche, develop my program and launch my business, allowing me to leave my corporate job one year earlier than I thought. I have officially brought in more money in my coaching business than I have spent (including ALL expenses such as; coaching fees, travel to live events, photo shoot, summit/list build, etc.). I was not expecting that to happen my first year.

I brought in $33,835 within 90 days of my first email list build and went on to have a 6-Figure year my very first year.

Most importantly though, is that I absolutely LOVE the work I’m doing. Wendy truly has a knack for helping you identify your unique skills and life purpose.

I have found my purpose AND am able to support myself while fulfilling that purpose. I am beyond grateful. Thank you, Wendy!”

– Veronika Archer

"When I hired Wendy I was working a corporate job making a decent income and receiving many perks (like working from home, flexibility, health benefits, etc.). But I was SO unhappy and I knew my purpose was elsewhere. Problem was, I didn’t know what my purpose was or how to support myself and my three kids with it.  

The very first thing Wendy and I worked on was identifying my unique skill set, talents, and experiences that are marketable. Then she helped me identify a niche and service. I gotta admit, I was a wee bit skeptical at first but Wendy has a unique gift for helping you find what lights you up!

Once she helped me identify what I want to do in this world, I worked with Wendy to actually launch my business – develop my programs and services, make myself visible, and attract clients!

I started working with Wendy at the end of January 2020. I had identified my service by March, launched my business in August, and 
quit my corporate job in October after
bringing in over $50,000 from the launch. I absolutely adore all my clients and LOVE the work I’m doing!  

I am so grateful to have found Wendy and worked with her to start my business doing what I love. I know that without her help, I would have been floundering for many more years trying to figure it out on my own and stuck at a job that drained my joy.  Supporting oneself doing work that you love is absolutely the best way to live!"
- Veronika Archer

Veronika was a very active and made $106,000 her very first year.

Meet Genna: From Drained Corporate Employee To Launching Her Business Doing What She Loves

"Wendy’s process helped me to uncover my WHAT, that what that truly lights me up, makes me come alive at my fullest potential to be able to serve my people at my highest vibration.

Through a great deal of mindset work and a very solid approach Wendy helped me build the confidence and the knowledge to build my own business. Having a very clear process with systems, tools, practices, consistent calls and individual coaching is the perfect structure for me.

I launched my business, created my business entity, built my list by 1,500, and gained the confidence and shift in mindset to know that I truly can do anything I want. I built major focus on what to do instead of jumping on each new idea that pops into my head.

Through our mindset work and each milestone in the program, I gained the confidence to change old beliefs.
I learned from every instance of communication with Wendy. I am so so grateful I receive Wendy’s full attention and focus. She encourages and supports me unconditionally.

I was circling and circling around that until I went through Wendy’s SoulFUEL® process. 

She helped me get clear on my WHY which motivates me and pushes forward in joyful effort. I created a heart-centered business touching the lives of amazing individuals and vice versa. Every client session makes my heart expand and I come alive that much more. 

Having clarity alone moved me forward tenfold! Put on top of that Wendy’s programmatic approach (so necessary for me) and her loving but firm guidance got me to launch my business!” - Genna Mori

Meet Laura: From Non-Profit Employee To 6-Figure CEO

“Before I started working with Wendy, I did not have my own business, nor had I given it much thought. I was happy at my job but felt like something was missing and wanted to deepen into something bigger. I had a hunch this journey would be amazing for my own personal development/growth and that I could create an income with it as well. I felt it would be worth it (and I was right!) I knew I wanted to have a greater impact in the world and help make a difference in my clients lives.

Wendy’s SoulFUEL® Discovery process helped me get clarity on what I’m here to do on this earth, and then how to translate that into a successful business, getting clarity on my ideal client, develop powerful messaging / marketing to draw them in, enrollment, program creation, etc.

With Wendy’s coaching, I then went on to fully established my business;
– Further clarity on ideal client, niche, my unique approach/tools, signature method, etc.
– Created a website
– Ran successful free challenges, video series, webinars, summits
 Built my email list to over 5,000 subscribers
– Created my Signature Program
– Enrolled 21 private clients
– Ran two group programs with a total of 18 clients
– Sold Half VIP days
– Led my first in person workshop
– Spoke at an in-person event to 80 people
– Been a speaker on numerous podcasts and summits
– Enrolled my first 12 month client at $897/month
 Had my first 6-Figure year in sales << which is 2x my salary at my last job
 Left my previous job

With Wendy, I learned the ability to persevere even when times felt tough — in business and other areas of my life. I’ve always found it challenging to really stick with something, and there were definitely times where I felt like giving up and I’m so glad I didn’t.

I greatly appreciate Wendy’s ability to believe in me and hold me in my power, even when it was tough to do myself sometimes. While I wouldn’t say I struggled a lot with confidence before working with Wendy, this definitely grew as a result – confidence and Self-Trust / Trust in a Higher Power. It’s difficult for those things not to grow when you have a great coach like Wendy to hold you accountable to staying on the path.

I also feel like I also don’t worry about people pleasing as much anymore, and instead stay true to myself and continue on my path, even though I didn’t always feel supported by some close to me.

I really appreciate the amount of support Wendy provides. Also, the in-person experiences were always amazing and transformational as it allowed us to be really present together and connect on a deeper level. I really felt like I was able to be seen and heard (of course, was on the calls/online too).

I also felt that Wendy cared deeply about my success. She held me to my vision, and perhaps an even greater vision that she had for me / what she felt I was capable of.

I’ve learned to feel the fear and take the action anyway!  Wendy has also helped me think about failure in different ways as well, that there’s not really any failure, except for not trying. Failure is feedback. You just take the learnings and go at it again.

I absolutely recommend Wendy whether you are new to business or looking to start/grow their audience/email list, uplevel their marketing/messaging and get a really amazing amount of support and accountability on their journey.

I’m incredibly blessed to work with Wendy. I can’t imagine where I’d be without her and the rest of my SoulFUEL community. This work has been essential to my growth in business – and life! Thank you Wendy!”

– Laura Kennedy


“This program has been life changing in the best possible ways.

The tools provided by Wendy enable us to create the lives we desire. With the unwavering support of Wendy and the other fantastic women, anything is possible.”

- Lisa Mead Horninger

Meet Laura


I know this may feel like a big step and I want you to know I (and your new community of sisters) will be there for you,
every step of the way.

You aren't meant to do this alone and deserve a higher level of personalized support often missing from programs and courses today.

Meet Maureen: From Too Many Ideas To Clear, Focused and Making Money Doing What She Loves

When I reached out to Wendy, I had three businesses in mind that were all closely connected to my SoulFUEL but I didn’t have the tools to decide which was best for me and my future. I wanted to pursue all of these businesses, and Wendy helped me prioritize the most viable one (coaching) that now incorporates and supports the other two (illustrating and animal non-profit).

With Wendy, I built my email community list to 1,100, enrolled new clients and formed my coaching business and LLC. I experienced a complete letting go of the personal trauma I carried with me all my life, resulting in complete mindset changes and paradigm shifts, which created an opening for manifesting a brand new business and life. Thank you, Wendy.

I completely appreciated Wendy’s loving patience and understanding. To have support to finally start a business that I’ve craved for years by working through all the personal blocks is such a unique experience, and I attribute that success to Wendy’s expertise, qualifications, and loving kindness.

My biggest fear was that I might not be able to follow through and actually create a viable business. Wendy’s ability to lift that veil of self-doubt by getting to the root of what created it in the first place is truly a gift.

Wendy’s expert professional support helped me finally recognize and break through the internal, personal blocks that were keeping me from moving forward with a business that is connected to my soul. You can feel safe to openly discuss and explore the possibilities that are absolutely possible for you, with the right mentor.

My deepest gratitude to you Wendy, for being so incredibly patient and understanding. I know that comes from your own confidence in your experience and insight – knowing what’s possible for clients and having the ability to take them by the hand and lovingly lead them down their own, rightful path to where they are meant to be. Thank you for being such a gifted soul and an amazing, perceptive listener. You have been a gift to me.”

– Maureen Edgecomb

Meet Paula: From Brick & Mortar Therapist To Online SoulFUEL'd® Business

"The training and support I received from Wendy was/is high level coaching and training.

I am happy to share my experience with Wendy. My experience has been nothing but positive. The training and support I received from Wendy was/is high level coaching and training.

Wendy is available, present, and puts her heart into helping women be successful. I never felt I was left hanging to figure things out on my own, especially since the online world was brand new to me. Although, Wendy shares the importance of being your own CEO, there were times I needed immediate support and direction. Wendy was there to give that in ways that empowered me to take the next steps.

The results in my business are so vast. Here are just a few things I learned how to; build my email list, enroll new clients, create my start up brand, connect with experts in the on-line world, do my messaging, uncover unconscious beliefs that get in the way of my success, nurture relationships with my community on-line, and expand my inner knowledge and growth to be able to cultivate and manifest what I want in my personal and professional life. This is more than a business program, these are life lesson that can be used every day!” – Paula Johnson 

“I needed clarity in my work. Wendy's program really connected me to my foundation and exposed what I’m meant for.
I also increased my pricing, honed my program, got better at sales calls, and developed my marketing strategy!”
– Veronica Kirin

“I was struggling to start my business and find clients. I completed SoulFUEL® Discovery and knew exactly what business I should start. I also knew Client Attraction would help me get it off the ground, and did it ever.

The trainings were ideal for getting a better grip on what my potential client needs. I enrolled pilot clients for practice, then started making sales and got myself out there - while of course, growing my email list.

I grew my professional network, learned how to sell, enrolled new clients, generated online revenue, built my audience, increased my confidence, set up systems and process in my business, created my programs, packages and pricing, and learned marketing copy writing and messaging not to mention, creating new beliefs and habits!

I enjoyed being on a similar journey with other women building their business, feeling I have a wide circle of support wherever or whenever I would need it. Having personal coaching from Wendy either during 1x1 or group calls was invaluable in helping me get unstuck or direct me to the next best possible step. My first year of SCAA held me accountable to getting my business growing and I can't wait for what happens in year two of SCAA!”

- Amanda Keene

So this is a decision point my friend.

You can continue as you have been and things will either stay the same or possibly get worse OR you can take a step of faith,
trust your intuition and a proven process, and get
SOULFUELED Coaching that helps you build your business with SoulFUEL and authenticity,
without living your life on social media. 

To explore this further, click the button below and we'll make sure this is PERFECT for you, before taking the next step.

"I was confused about what I needed next in terms of guidance and support in creating my business. I felt very stuck in what I was doing, with no real passion for it and didn't want to blindly jump into another year-long program with a coach whose program wasn't feeling like a good fit for me.


Wendy helped me identify the foundational piece I had been missing - the vital, core passion that must support the strategy and actions needed to create and run a successful business. I started my first business because it seemed like that's what I should do.


Wendy was integral in helping me identify the deep, soul-level purpose that drives my passion to support moms and children. She walked me through her process of uncovering that SoulFUEL® - that deep, intangible source from which I can forever draw to build the business and life I can have.

I experienced HUGE internal transformations from my time with Wendy. I uncovered fears that had been stopping me from making myself visible in the online space - putting my face out there for all the world to see and potentially criticize. Wendy helped keep me focused on all the moms I would help by sharing my gifts with them. I learned to steer any unsupportive thoughts and emotions instead of allowing them to drive me into procrastination and perfectionism and I grew my email list audience by 1600!Wendy met me exactly where I was in each and every call. She supported ALL parts of me, not just the business mindset/strategy piece. She nurtures the WHOLE person and that's what supports us in becoming successful in life and business - to nourish, nurture and heal all the aspects of who we are.You will not be disappointed if you choose Wendy as your coach and mentor. She has such a gift of helping women draw out their gifts and shine!"
- Sabrina Marasovich

Meet Susan: From Burnt Out Corporate Employee To SoulFUEL'd® CEO

“When I first reached out to Wendy I was deciding exactly what products/services I would sell and to whom, based on my SoulFUEL (discovered through Wendy’s process).

I also wanted to know what activities I did, or even more importantly, did not, need to focus on. Wendy helped me identify my target market, niche and what products and services I could monetize based on my passions. She helped me narrow down, and align, my skills with my passions, understand my SoulFUEL and design an online business around all of that combined.

Wendy also helped me develop a plan so I was clear on exactly what I should focus on when. Best of all, since I have shiny object syndrome, I knew what DID NOT need my focus.

I received the structure, details and teaching on how to build my list and enroll paying clients into my program. If I had not worked with Wendy, I would still be floundering and unfocused. My biggest fear was changing my focus from a successful corporate job to a business. Wendy’s inner game coaching was a huge part of what I gained in working with her!”                     – Susan McDaniel

“Before I joined SCAA I was planning to return to teaching. Not because I wanted to, but because I was offered a job and I thought... why not?! Meeting Wendy showed me why I didn't want to do that!

The clarity I gained from completing SoulFUEL® Discovery was incredible and the processes I learned through Client Attraction was a game changer! It helped me gain so much clarity and the great, supportive community and feedback allowed for a lot of growth in a short amount of time. Hot Seat Coaching and the personalized attention definitely made the biggest impact for me.

I went from no idea what I was going to do to hosting a virtual event with 29 amazing experts and speakers who have been working in my niche for decades! I built my list to 810 and generated $6,331.59 in revenue in just a few months.

I had an amazing time learning the ins and outs of creating a high impact event, meeting and connecting with like-minded people and absolutely LOVED the community and support from Wendy on this journey. I gained so much from this experience and couldn't be happier with where I am at the end of this journey. Thank you for everything I have learned Wendy. I wouldn't be where I am today without you and my SCAA Tribe!”

- Kiri Honey

Meet Your Coach, Wendy Collier. 

Wendy Collier coaches ambitious, purpose-driven women, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs-in-the-making, coaches, consultants, direct sales business owners, artists, teachers, guides, mentors, healers, light workers and conscious leaders of all kinds, to live free from the inside out, through plugging into their SoulFUEL® (aka: Calling/Purpose) and learning the skills required to be a wild success in business.

Wendy is the Founder and Creator of SoulFUEL®. She is known for helping women identify their unique skills and purpose while teaching them exactly how to thrive financially, through what they are meant to do.

She shows women how to get clear and confident so they can profit from their passion and make a difference.

Wendy is committed to equipping women to make money online by teaching effective marketing, messaging, and mindset strategies so they can take a quantum leap in their business and attract a steady flow of clients without ever, compromising who they are or spending their lives on social media.

She applies her Psychology & Communications Degree, Franklin Covey Leadership Coaching Certification, Advanced ICF Coaching Training at CoachVille, and 21 years of award-winning marketing experience at Fortune 500 and Forbes Top 100 companies to help women create limitless options for themselves.

Wendy is running a thriving coaching business that supports and educates women to make money doing what they love while transforming their lives, and the world around them. She does this by helping them activate and amplify their SoulFUEL®, energy and intuition combined with authentic, relationship-based, High Integrity marketing and sales.

She is the host of the 5- Star SoulFUEL® Podcast and leads private and group business coaching programs including The SoulFUEL Accelerator which is known to create such success, her most determined clients never need to go back to a job ever again.

Wendy is an avid traveler, lover of nature and outdoor enthusiast. She is also passionate about; her family and friends, health and fitness, medical freedom, funding the eradication of human trafficking, and has worked as a long-time volunteer Court Appointed Special Advocate (C.A.S.A.), as a mentor to abused children.

You can find even more inspiring client stories at: .


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Wendy Collier Worldwide, LLC (“the Company” or “we”) makes every effort to ensure that we accurately provide all the products and services purchased or utilized from the Site. Nevertheless, it should be noted that, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our life coaching, business coaching, marketing coaching, success/mindset coaching, training programs, business education, online courses and many different classes to which you are subscribed or interested in.

Nothing on this Site, or any of our content is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax, psychological, financial or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of its sub-domains and related domains, are illustrative of results that others that we have worked with have received and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance.

As with any activity, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings and results can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success.

Participation in our life coaching, business coaching, marketing coaching, success/mindset coaching, training programs, business education, online courses and many different classes to which you are subscribed or interested in (our products and services) should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that we and our licensors or suppliers are not liable for any success or failure that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our products and services purchased or utilized on the Site.


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